Gazebo Location
The gazebo can be located away from the house or close to it. If it is close to the house it can be used for outdoor dining. Moreover, it provides a sense of peace when it is visible from the house as you can enjoy it even if you are not able to spend time in it. Additionally, the gazebo should provide a view from inside it. Find a location from where you can enjoy the beauty of the garden, a fountain, a pond, or a vista across the fields. This means that though there can be a tree close to the gazebo for additional shade, it should not be surrounded by shrubs and trees. Instead, it should be located to provide a view of the lawn or flowering plants on one side.Access to the Gazebo

Gazebo is meant to be a quiet place from where you can admire the garden or nature. This means it should be away from ambient noise such as street or neighbors. If this is not possible, install a fountain or waterfall close by that will provide a soothing background sound when you spend time in the gazebo.Gazebo Sizes
There are many gazebo sizes to chose from. Gazebos can be compact or larger, depending on the available space as well as the purpose. Those who plan to entertain in the gazebo will need a larger structure, preferably one that can accommodate a table and chairs around it. On the other hand, if you are planning a gazebo as a personal retreat, you need only a small structure with perhaps a couple of chairs.Furnishing a Gazebo
A gazebo should be furnished with weatherproof tables, chairs, rugs, and cushions. This will ensure that maintenance is easier. If you have a bench running around the walls of the gazebo, consider adding storage under it. This can be used to store rugs, cushions, and a few board games, a binocular, and so on. Apart from this, the furniture in the gazebo should reflect your needs. Some people might like a reclining chair while other might decide to include a hammock in the gazebo.Gazebo Decorations